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Professional development of EMTs and EMSs

IOEMT promotes and organizes within the category of EMTs and the EMS communities:

  • the sharing of the best emergency medical care practices and emergency management systems;

  • the adoption of internationally recognized protocols and the standardization of EMT qualifications; 

  • the network among its members to facilitate the exchange of experiences through visits in-field as au-pair EMT;

  • the recognition of the strategic role of EMT in the National Healthcare Services through lobbying towards political institutions.

Establishment/Development of First Response Services/EMSs in third world countries

IOEMT organizes and coordinates the establishment of first response services or EMSs in  underdeveloped areas in third world countries. It also supports the development of established EMS through customized training programs, educating the local trainers to standardized protocols (first response, basic/advanced life support, emergency management, etc).

Disaster Emergency Medical Response

IOEMT organizes and coordinates teams of voluntary and indipendent EMTs to quickly respond to natural disasters, humitarian crisis, mass casualties or events that may compromise or exceed the standard capability of an EMS. Working globally in close collaboration with governamental and non-governamental organizations, IOEMT can precisely identify the specific need of emergency medical care for any situation and provide rescue teams with the appropriate set of skills and specializations.

First Aid and Safety Education for communities

IOEMT organizes and coordinates training programs for the population in order to diffuse the education of first response. Apart from generic basic life support (BLS) training, IOEMT trainers provide training for specific situations: wilderness first response for trekkers and adventurers, water rescue tecniques for divers or sailors, etc.

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